
This is another blog about video games.
I'm gonna share personal experience with some of the games I've played. Most, if not all of these games will be Xbox 360 or Xbox One games because that is my preferred platform.
I hope you enjoy reading about the things that keep me from being productive.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Good Night. Good Luck

     Dying Light, by Techland Studios, is an open world zombie survival FPS RPG released on January 27th, 2015. Published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

Dying Light, Warner Bros, Interactive Entertainment and Techland Game Studios. 2015

     I had been looking forward to the release of Dying Light for almost an entire year up until January of this year. I deliberately deprived myself of potentially spoiling information. I didn't even watch gameplay because I wanted to be suprised by the experience that I knew would be phenomenal.

     You may be thinking that this is just another cheap zombie game, like a rip off of Left 4 Dead or Dead Rising, but this is not the case. With a 3 year production time, Dying Light has achieved what few games have done before; created a truly immersive experience of a zombie outbreak.
     The element of Dying Light that makes it stand beyond the rest is it's parkour/free running game mechanic that makes zombies during the daytime nearly no threat at all. But once day turns to night, it's harder to see where you're going, and The Hunter becomes The Hunted. Literally.

     Dying Light's exceptional graphics and sound lend much to the games interesting narrative (That I won't spoil here). If you're someone who enjoys hacking and slashing their way through thousands of undead with an arsenal of scavenged and crafted weapons, Dying Light is right for you.

     Dying Light is available on Xbox One,  PS4, and Steam.

     For more details and reviews check out these places:

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